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August of 1991 a young woman named Marsha Blakely was murdered in Lorain, Ohio. Found in the early morning hours of August 8th, behind the "Gateway Plaza" across from the local projects her neck was broken, fractured ribs, and her throat slit. Hours before Blakely's body was found, Floyd Epps, her roommate was struck by a vehicle, dragged, and had his throat slit. It is documented police believed these crimes were related.
The Ohio Four: John Edwards, Benson Davis, Lenworth Edwards, and Alfred Cleveland would later be tried and wrongfully convicted of murdering Marsha Blakely. Floyd Epps murder investigation remains open to this day.
All the men provided alibis to the police, which should have exonerated them. John Edwards and Benson Davis are still incarcerated. Lenworth Edwards (29 years incarcerated) and Alfred Cleveland (27 years incarcerated) were paroled in 2020 both maintained their innocence to the parole board.
Today Alfred Cleveland and Lenworth Edwards continue to fight to bring John Edwards and Benson Davis home, while fighting to clear their own names. All men want justice for the victims Marsha Blakely, Floyd Epps, and their families.
In November of this year, Josh Dubin of the Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice appeared on The Joe Rogan podcast to raise awareness of this case & explain the political nonsense that occurred during this last election cycle that inhibited then current prosecutor from helping exonerate the four. Lorain County Prosecutor JD Tomlinson was attacked by his political opponents, Tomlinson charged with 3 felonies a week before early voting, to influence the outcome of the 2024 election and push him out of office. You can read the details here in my article " Election Interference in Lorain County".
After losing his election for Lorain County Prosecutor in November, all charges were dismissed against prosecutor Tomlinson. Before leaving office and due to public pressure prosecutor Tomlinson decided to file motions to get The Ohio Four a new trial.
Mean Street News had been following the Tomlinson case and after extensive review of the documents provided by Josh Dubin of the Perlmutter Center for Legal Justice, Katie has come to the same conclusion, that these men are innocent. Below is a photo gallery of pertinent testimony and all Mean Street News episodes covering the Ohio Four. The article going into greater detail of the case can be found here.
Today I ask for you to reach out to the judges in these cases. Let them know our expectation is for them to do the right thing after three decades and Free the Four!
A reinvestigation into the murders of Marsha Blakely & Ray Epps needs to be conducted with fresh eyes. We should not be using people's lives for political careers or games.
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Please take a few minutes and reach out to these judges, tell them:
A week before early voting started this year in Lorain County on October 2nd, 2024 our county prosecutor, JD Tomlinson was charged with intimidation tampering with evidence, and bribery. Tomlinson’s Chief of Staff, James Burge, was also charged with intimidation and tampering with evidence. These charges were baseless and politically motivated and last Friday on November 15th, 2024, all charges against both men were dropped. The “victim” never showed up court, to no ones surprise since weeks prior she publicly surmised she would not be apart of the proceedings.
The day the charges were filed Mean Street News came out and stated the belief that these charges were another example of a group of elected / public officials are trying to interfere in the outcome of our election. The officer who filed the charges was Captain Robert Vansant of Lorain County Sheriffs Office, in previous episodes we learned Captain Vansant was sexting the "victim" while trying to persuade her to work with him against her ex boyfriend, prosecutor Tomlinson. Vansant expressed how they could help each other by working together against Tomlinson. Captain Vasant had been requesting a special prosecutor to aide in the Sheriff's office investigation into Comm'r Moore & Riddell rescinding a $7.7 million dollar radio contract. After being denied multiple times due to lack of evidence presented, Tomlinson believing the Sheriff was lying about the purpose of his investigation, and Commissioner Michelle Hung's involvement in the investigation. Prosecutor Tomlinson expressed this all in a letter written to Sheriff Stammitti on April 4th, 2024.
On November 14th, 2024 the Joe Rogan experienced covered the election interference in Lorain County. Joe Rogan's guest, Josh Dubin is the executive Director of Perimutter Center for legal justice, a criminal justice reform an advocate, and civil rights attorney.
Currently representing Edwards one of four men believed to be wrongfully convicted of the murder of Marsha Blakely in Lorain Ohio, Dubin learned about Prosecutor Tomlinson & the political F***kery occurring here in Lorain County Ohio. Durbin compares Tomlinson’s case to the law fare we see being used against President Trump. Katie will be going over the best parts of that interview and explain how interfering with the election cost more than the prosecutors job .
The political persecution of JD Tomlinson could affect the freedom of persons wrongfully convicted, who have waited almost three decades for the opportunity to be exonerated.
Four men have spent an combined 120 years (and growing) in prison for a murder they did not commit.
John Edwards & Benson Davis are still incarcerated for the murder of Marsha Blakely in 1991. Alfred Cleveland and Lenworth Edwards have been paroled, but want their names cleared by being exonerated for the murder of Marsha Blakely.
Marsha Blakely's roommate Floyd Epps was murdered the same night as Blakely. Both had their throats cut, Epps found hours before Blakely only miles apart from one another. Floyd Epps murder is still an open case.
The County Prosecutor Rosenbaum who prosecuted The Four originally, later County Prosecutor Dennis Will ignored the blatant facts, using the testimony of a documented liar and drug user as the sole witness to prosecute these men for murder they did not commit.
Watch the Rally & hear from Alfred Cleveland and Lenworth Edwards themselves.
Katie will be showing you the most important parts of the second rally for The Ohio Four.
Two men still incarcerated, two men paroled all innocent of the murder they have been tried and convicted for. These men have served over 120 years in prison and now we can help exonerate, free, and clear their names : Alfred Cleveland, Lenworth Edwards, John Edwards, and Benson Davis.
After the rally Katie digs into the actual case. Going over important testimony and sharing her theory on what happened to Marsha Blakely & Floyd Epps the night they were murdered in August of 1991. Key evidence not shown to the public.
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