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Lorain County Government has been a roller coaster over the last three years. Today we discuss the cast of characters who are at the center of Lorain Counties "radio" controversy.
These characters have used their offices, local news, social media, safety forces, and politics to divide a county and create chaos all to hide their misdeeds and corruption.
Katie's investigation will show how politicians and local news colluded together to push a narrative meant to misinform the public and provides a fresh look at a three year long issue.
At the end of our discussion you will demand an investigation into public corruption taking place in Lorain County Ohio.
Lorain County Government has been a roller coaster over the last three years. Today we discuss the cast of characters who are at the center of Lorain Counties "radio" controversy.
These characters have used their offices, local news, social media, safety forces, and politics to divide a county and create chaos all to hide their misdeeds and corruption.
Katie's investigation will show how politicians and local news colluded together to push a narrative meant to misinform the public and provides a fresh look at a three year long issue. At the end of our discussion you will demand an investigation into public corruption taking place in Lorain County Ohio.
Today we take a break from Katie's 911 Investigation to get to know a main character,
Lorain County Commissioner David Moore. Commissioner Moore discusses how Lorain County is moving forward and briefly discusses the controversy in Lorain County
Katie discusses the Radio Controversy plaguing Lorain County, she will introduce the map of "players" and opens up the web page for the first time!
Do not miss this!
Sherriff Phil Stammitti began investigating the "Radio Controversy" only when the contract was rescinded, a little after 2 weeks when the previous board passed the $7.7 million dollar contract on the last day they were in power.
Commissioner David J Moore requested the sheriff investigate in Aug of 2021 & December 2021. Only when Commissioner Hung did not get her way did he become involved in the matter.
The newest claim from Sheriff Phil Stammitti is that he never relinquished his power 13 years ago when he signed an MOU with the County Board of Commissioners.
The sheriff claims his investigation was above board and found now wrongdoing. Katie dives in to the sheriffs report and discusses the fallacies therein.
These characters have used their offices, local news, social media, safety forces, and politics to divide a county and create chaos all to hide their misdeeds and corruption.
Former 911 Director Harry Williamson HOOKED!
Katie discusses the quid pro quo that created the 911/ Radio Controversy that has plagued Lorain County the last three years.
In April of 2021 individuals and organizations colluded and conspired to misuse Lorain County American Rescue Plan Dollars. These conspirators used associations, unions, political organizations, safety forces, a consulting firm, media, other public servants and citizens to create a false narrative all to mislead the public in order to award a multi million dollar contract to Cleveland Communications Inc.; which they did 18 months later on their last day in power, knowing the contract was going to be rescinded.
Why? To create the hot mess express here in Lorain County. To politicize the safety forces for their own interests. As one character in this circus said when denied his bribe of 10% to ensure contract, then just submit a higher bid, "because there were a number of people to get paid and the higher bid would be accepted". The sad part it was... after fighting 18 months and the last day in control two commissioners awarded CCI contract.
After rescinding the contract, less than two weeks later, the lawfare against the citizens/taxpayers of Lorain County began. Over the last 3 years these characters have spent/cost Lorain County tax payers well over a million dollars on settlements & suits.
Katie discusses the beginning, the quid pro quo and the connections to bigger STATE ISSUES like HB6 - FirstEnergy bailout and restaurateur Tony George. Tony George has moved on from FirstEnergy and is focused on Lorain County. How does this connect to radios.....
TUNE IN. Podcast episodes will be uploaded shortly.
Commissioner Jeff Riddell won his election by only 136 votes in 2022. Before taking office Comm’r Riddell was clear on his views regarding the 911 Radio Controversy, it was to rescind and investigate what occurred before investing almost $8 million dollars of TAXPAYER DOLLARS.
On day one he was met with hostility and anger from the same people who had been attacking the previous board. Members of our local safety forces, leaders of Fire Chiefs Association, leaders of the Deputy Association, and other local officials & associates came out on Comm’r Riddell’s first day to protest him rescinding contract. All knowing that would happen when on the last day in power prior board approved the contract, minus
Commissioner David Moore who did not attend.
But who is Commissioner Riddell and why did he run? The media has had little focus on him…
Today Katie will fill in some gaps.
Katie reviews the tape of Lorain County Recorder Mike Doran (previously Fetterman) blocking Comm’r Riddell’s Administrative Assistant in the parking lot, preventing him from accessing his car for over 11 hours. When arriving to retrieve his car, John Gall saw the County Recorder and his wife leaving the parking garage and followed him to exchange words.
To Gall’s surprise he was met by an irate Recorder who states in the 911 call, “his hand went in window” before quickly disconnecting…. Maybe due to mistakenly admitting he did assault John Gall?
Gall refused to press charges, however; the Doran’s who are close friends and allies of Commissioner Hung tried to pursue protection order and spent four months acting like victims to publicly defame John Gall. Katie breaks down video and has some serious questions about the Fetterman’s.
Another victim of Comm’r Hung & associates who like John Gall resigned from her employment as Director of Human Resources when she was mistreated & prevented from her work. Katie reads her Exit Interview and discusses documents in her personnel file that seem to be placed & created after resigning to cover the inappropriate behavior of County Official who has close ties with Comm’r Hung.
NEXT, Michelle Hung’s number one advocate, friend of Harry Williamson, Sheriff Stammitti, and many others --Aden Fogel. Katie discusses her personal knowledge of Mr. Fogel and why she believes the friendships he holds are downright disturbing.
Tonight Katie will be discussing new evidence in the Harry Williamson lawsuit, the affidavit Commissioner Michelle Hung signed for her boyfriend & former 911 Director Harry Williamson.
Katie will review the document with you tonight and discuss her thoughts on why Commissioner Hung would neglect her fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers of Lorain County once again.
Tonight will be a short episode, TOMORROW morning we conclude our investigation into the 911 Radio Controversy. Katie will also discuss how you can help advocate for a proper investigation be completed.
This Morning Katie will begin Part I of II concluding her investigation into the Lorain County 911 Radio Investigation. We will discuss the events that took place after the multi-million-dollar contract was rescinded. These events will reveal how these officials & organizations conspired and worked together to continue to lobby for Cleveland Communications Inc & the ARPA dollars.
Katie will finish reviewing the Sheriff's "Investigation". After Katie will go final MAP of players, associations and connect the dots while revealing her theory on why these people & associations used their positions of power to lobby and ultimately secure a multimillion-dollar contract for Cleveland Communications Inc in 2022.
To conclude this broadcast will be the discussion of RICO & why it could be a path forward for taxpayers to demand accountability of our elected officials & demand a real investigation be conducted by proper authorities.
Lorain County taxpayers have paid well over a million dollars between litigation, settlements, and attorney fees because of this controversy alone, to this day. This money could have been used to help Lorain County & the citizens of the County, instead it is being used to perpetuate lawfare being waged against the taxpayers of Lorain County.
This Morning Katie will conclude Part I of II concluding her investigation into the Lorain County 911 Radio Investigation.
We will discuss the events that took place after the multi-million-dollar contract was rescinded. These events will reveal how these officials & organizations conspired and worked together to continue to lobby for Cleveland Communications Inc & the ARPA dollars.
Katie will finish reviewing the Sheriff's "Investigation". After Katie will go final MAP of players, associations and connect the dots while revealing her theory on why these people & associations used their positions of power to lobby and ultimately secure a multimillion-dollar contract for Cleveland Communications Inc in 2022.
To conclude this broadcast will be the discussion of RICO & why it could be a path forward for taxpayers to demand accountability of our elected officials & demand a real investigation be conducted by proper authorities. Lorain County taxpayers have paid well over a million dollars between litigation, settlements, and attorney fees because of this controversy alone, to this day.
This money could have been used to help the citizens & businesses of the County, instead it is being used to perpetuate lawfare being waged against the taxpayers of Lorain County. It's time to start holding these people accountable. .
Change of Plans! Katie just received a document never before seen & she is going to share it with you FIRST! Today I received a letter in the mail and I have to share it with you.
The letter was from Lorain County Prosecutor JD Tomlinson who was responding to Sheriff Phil Stammitti 's March 2024 letter in April of 2024. This letter sheds light on questionable & disturbing behavior regarding Capt Vansant and candidate for prosecutor Tony Cillo "investigative skills" & their personal conflict of interest regarding Jennifer Battistelli.
JD Tomlinson also clearly disputes claims rendered against him by both Vansant and Cillo. Both individuals are current employees of Lorain County Sheriffs office. Tony Cillo is running as a Republican against incumbent Prosecutor Tomlinson, however; Cillo pulled a Republican ballot in 2023 after being a lifelong Democrat, based on his voting record.
Cillo previously employed at the Lorain County Prosecutors Office for 27 years was let go when discovered his work ethic was sub par, and cases assigned to him were not being addressed in a efficient timely manner.
So Lorain County what Democrat would you vote for, one who lies and claims to be Republican (Cillo) or the man who is honest while trying to make positive changes & strengthen its relationship with the community of Lorain County (Tomlinson)?
This Republican will be voting for Tomlinson, I don't appreciate being lied to.
You won't want to miss this!
Mean Street News will be discussing the recent charges filed against Lorain County Prosecutor JD Tomlinson, sit back and enjoy a chat with Katie . She will connect the dots & the players showing you how these charges relate to her Lorain County RICO!
Prosecutor Tomlinson is another victim of a small group politicizing & weaponizing the Lorain County’s Sheriffs Office to investigate & retaliate against two County Commissioners.
The Sheriffs Department has been requesting a special prosecutor to investigate Commissioner Moore & Commissioner Riddell rescinding a corrupt $7.7 million dollar contract in Jan 2023. When Prosecutor Tomlinson repeatedly informs the Sheriff & Captain Vansant that they have not provided sufficient evidence to request a special prosecutor, they begin to investigate the prosecutor himself.
A week before early voting begins and 35 days before the General Election Captain Vansant files charges against Prosecutor Tomlinson & his Chief of Staff Jim Burge.
This has been going on for over 3 years and the lead investigator is our old friend Vansant. We know Vansant from our discussion & review of the Sheriff's Department "radio investigation" conducted by then Lt. Vansant. We learned it was deeply flawed and even admitting that the investigation was being completed on behalf of Commissioner Michelle Hung.
You cannot make this stuff up!
Katie is going to show how people have conspired to defame the prosecutor by filing charges so close to an election which I believe constitutes election interference.
The Prosecutors opponent in his race is Tony Cillo, who "coincidently" works at the Sheriffs Department & has a sorted past with the complainant, Capt. Vansant does too.
It's getting crazy here in Lorain County! Stay TUNED!
This Morning Katie will begin Part I of II concluding her investigation into the Lorain County 911 Radio Investigation.
We will discuss the events that took place after the multi-million-dollar contract was rescinded. These events will reveal how these officials & organizations conspired and worked together to continue to lobby for Cleveland Communications Inc & the ARPA dollars.
Katie will finish reviewing the Sheriff's "Investigation". After Katie will go final MAP of players, associations and connect the dots while revealing her theory on why these people & associations used their positions of power to lobby and ultimately secure a multimillion-dollar contract for Cleveland Communications Inc in 2022.
To conclude this broadcast will be the discussion of RICO & why it could be a path forward for taxpayers to demand accountability of our elected officials & demand a real investigation be conducted by proper authorities.
Lorain County taxpayers have paid well over a million dollars between litigation, settlements, and attorney fees because of this controversy alone, to this day. This money could have been used to help Lorain County & the citizens of the County, instead it is being used to perpetuate lawfare being waged against the taxpayers of Lorain County.
Katie obtained the most recent filing by prosecutor JD Tomlinson & Chief of Staff Jim Burge.
Tonight Katie will be going over the contents of those filings.
Captain Vansant of the Lorain County Sheriffs Office sexting messages to the "victim" Jennifer Battistelli are in the filing, as well as; his request to help him and "others" go after our current County Prosecutor JD Tomlinson.
Later Captain Vansant filed charges against prosecutor JD Tomlinson and his Chief of Staff Jim Burge for tampering with evidence & intimidation. Prosecutor Tomlinson was charged with bribery because of text messages offering Battistelli money to go to dinner. All charges were brought up for acts that occurred after Ms. Battistelli's employment and settlement.
Coincidentally the charges were filed a week before early voting began... Tune in to hear the most recent court filings
Tonight Mean Street is showing you a trick & giving you a treat late night tonight! Katie realizes the text messages of Jennifer Battistelli shows a recording app being used to screen recording her text messages & calls. Meaning she has been working against the Lorain County Prosecutor JD Tomlinson this entire year, which makes us assume she has been actively working with Lorain County Sheriff's Office for entirety of 2024.
Jennifer Battistelli is the alleged "victim" in the most recent charges of tampering with evidence, bribery, and intimidation charges filed against the Lorain County Prosecutor.
Katie will then "weave" into this significance of HB 6 (First Energy Scandal) & the significance of Tony George who was a "consultant" on this scheme. Funny how Tony George became involved in Lorain County about the time County Commissioner Michelle Hung & former 911 Director Harry Williamson were pushing a multi million dollar Radio Contract.
Commissioner Michelle Hung has close ties & a history with Tony George. Katie's will lay out her theory on how and why Mr. George is relevant to Prosecutor Tomlinson, Jennifer Battistelli, Commissioner Hung, and how others tried to leverage the prosecutor to try and force him to assign a special prosecutor to investigate the other commissioners who rescinded the $7.7 million dollar (what we believe to be rigged) contract.
There is no such thing as a coincidence. Tune in & Stay Focused Lorain County.... Happy Halloween!
Tonight Mean Street News has a special guest... my husband who will be playing the part of Captain Vansant of Lorain County Sheriffs Office.
Normally Mean Street News will not read full depositions but this one is extraordinary. The public must hear the interview/deposition that took place in July of 2024 at Battistelli's attorney Kenneth Lieux's office.
Present was Kenneth Lieux ESQ, the special prosecutor David O'Brien, and Captain Robert Vansant of the Lorain County Sheriffs Office. Kenneth Lieux approached Jennifer Battistelli in April of 2024 and offered her his services for no charge.
During this interview Captain Vansant continuously asks leading questions regarding Battistelli's relationship with the current Lorain County Prosecutor JD Tomlinson.
Jennifer Battistelli was the supposed "victim" of Tomlinson. Mean Street News believes this interview/deposition shows how ridiculous and unreliable Battistelli's claims are. It also shows how Captain Robert Vansant was trying to manufacture a case against the current prosecutor JD Tomlinson during election year.
Later Vansant would file charges of bribery, intimidation, and tampering with evidence against the Lorain County Prosecutor a week before early voting began. Clearly trying to interfere with the outcome of the upcoming election.
Mean Street News welcomes back Chris, my husband, reading Captain Vansant in the second deposition/ interview that occurred in September of 2024.
Katie believes Captain Vansant wanted to get their story straight due to inconsistencies, also some personal matters arise. Present at this interview is Captain Robert Vansant of Lorain County Sheriffs Office, Battistelli Pro Bono Atty Kenneth Lieux, and an attorney from the Ohio State Auditor Office. This deposition is better than the last & quite hilarious.
Just a few spoilers:
That is just the tip of the BS.... you have to check this interview out. Chris and I had way to much fun reading this deposition.
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Thank you for coming to Mean Street! Any questions please reach out. Keep look out for Podcast coming January 2023!